Sinzer news

PGGM starts using Sinzer as a solution for impact management

Posted by Marlon van Dijk on Jul 25, 2016 2:37:17 PM


PGGM is a cooperative Dutch pension fund service provider that manages the pensions for different pension funds, the affiliated employers and their employees. Currently, PGGM manages pension assets worth in excess of EUR 183 billion of which 9 billion is invested in “solutions”. These investments not only yield a competitive financial return, but also have a tangible impact in the areas of climate, water, food and health.

All investments are screened to see if they are potential investments in solutions. These assessments are focussing on social and environmental impact of these investments (in companies, organizations and funds). When an investment qualifies as investment in solutions, social and ecological impact is measured in different aspects of the value chain (input, output, outcome and impact). Alongside regular financial reporting, the social and ecological impact is annually reported by the investees. The impact of all PGGM’s investments is aggregated and reported to their clients.

PGGM is using the Sinzer platform for impact management at all stages described above:

  • Impact assessment
  • Impact measurement
  • Impact reporting
  • Impact aggregation

We developed a PGGM impact template, which will be used for approx. 200 of their investments. Main indicators that are being measured per theme:

Climate and environment

  • Annual renewable energy produced, in MWh
  • Annual avoided emissions, in tonnes CO2eq
  • Annual avoided pollution or emissions that would otherwise end up in the biosphere, in tonnes


  • Annual water savings in m3
  • Annual number of people with adequate access to clean water
  • Annual waste water treatment in m3


  • Annual increase in yield, in ton/ha
  • Annual avoided harvest, transport and storage losses in tonnes and as percentage of food production
  • Improvement in nutritional value
  • Annual increase in number of people with access to nutritional food


  • Annual increase in number of people with access to good health care
  • Annual reduction in sick days, incapacitation rate, and care demand by chronically ill and elderly
  • Percentage reduction in costs for standard treatments and medicines

Do you want to learn more about how PGGM is using Sinzer? Join our 2nd anniversary event the 15th of September 2016 where Gert-Jan Sikking from PGGM will share their experience!

 Sign up

Topics: Impact investing, Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social impact measurement, sinzer, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software

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