Gemeente Utrecht vervult op gebied van stimuleren van sociaal ondernemerschap in Nederland een voorlopers rol. Onder andere via haar inkoopbeleid geeft gemeente Utrecht een stimulans aan sociaal ondernemerschap. Zo zijn leveranciers die zaken doen met de gemeente doorgaans verplicht 5% aan ‘social return’ te besteden bij aanbestedingen boven een ton. Daarmee hielp gemeente Utrecht in 2015 627 mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt aan werk. Omdat het creëren van maatschappelijke meerwaarde echter breder is dan arbeidsparticipatie, is gemeente Utrecht momenteel bezig de invulling van het social return beleid breder te trekken. Zo wil Utrecht leveranciers, andere gemeenten en sociaal ondernemers ook inspireren om sociaal ondernemen in te zetten voor het stimuleren van sociale inclusie, duurzaamheid en andere maatschappelijk relevante thema’s.
Samenwerking gemeente Utrecht en Social Impact Factory
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Social impact measurement, impactmeting, Social impact measurement software, sociaal ondernemen, sociaal ondernemingen
PGGM starts using Sinzer as a solution for impact management
Topics: Impact investing, Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social impact measurement, sinzer, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software
We have recently launched an online support center, where you can find several tutorials, advice and FAQs on how to use Sinzer. Besides instructions on how to use SROI, you can find information about how to use our flexible Strategic Impact Framework. Go check it out!
Topics: Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social impact measurement, sinzer, social impact framework, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software
Save the date: Sinzer's 2nd anniversary event!
This coming September marks the 2nd anniversary of the Sinzer software platform for impact management. We plan to celebrate this joyful occassion with a celebratory event, to which you are invited!
Expect to see exciting new framework/features, inspirational talks and best practice-presentations by several users while enjoying a drink and (re)connecting with other impact-oriented professionals and change-makers.
Speakers announced:
- Our Advisory Council (Kellie Liket, Eric Buckens and Frank van Beuningen) will take place in a interesting panel about the future of impact measurement.
- Gert Jan Sikking from PGGM, Resposible Investments
We would very much like you to be there and help us celebrate, so save the date:
When: Thursday 15 September 2016
Where: Sinzer office, 's Gravenhekje 1A, Amsterdam
More info will follow closer to date!
Would you like to join our celebrations? Sign up now!
Topics: Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social impact measurement, sinzer, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software
This event (on 17-18 November 2014) will bring together hundreds of venture philanthropy and social investment experts and practitioners from Europe and beyond to discuss this year’s theme: ‘Collaborating for Social Impact: the next 10 years’ Themes that will be covered range from crowdfunding to impact measurement and from exits or family philanthropy to government regulations. Sinzer shares valuable experiences with in the session titled “Impact measurement - from guidelines to practical implementation”. The breakdown of the two days can be found here. More information about the speakers can be found here.
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement
Interactive training webinar on impact measurement using Sinzer
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, Webinar
StartupJuncture is a blog about all things related to Dutch startups. They recently posted a blog about four cool Dutch startups by female founders of which Sinzer is one of them.
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact software management solution
Werksessie Sinzer & Social Enterprise NL, 1 juli 2015
Topics: Social impact, Social enterprise, Social impact management, Social impact measurement
Sinzer among most complete software tools for impact measurement
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social Value, Social impact measurement, social impact software management solution, sroi
TheNextWomen100 international Pitch Competition semi finals
Our very own Managing Director Marlon van Dijk has secured her spot during the semi finals of TheNextWomen100 international Pitch Competition!
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact software management solution