The Work in Progress! project
Sinzer goes Africa: impact management training in Nigeria and Somalia for Oxfam Novib
Topics: Social impact measurement, Impact Stragies
Het optimaliseren van impact management bij goede doelen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk via het Impact Management Programma
Het Impact Management Programma is een initiatief in het Verenigd Koninkrijk dat gefinancierd wordt door Access The Foundation for Social Investments en Power to Change. Het programma is erop gericht om de capaciteiten van goede doelen en sociaal ondernemingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk omtrent impact management te vergroten. Het ondersteunt deze organisaties bij het analyseren van hun impact data met het doel om hun dienstverlening te verbeteren om zodoende meer maatschappelijke impact te creëren en op basis hiervan hun inkomsten te kunnen diversifiëren (via bijvoorbeeld financiering vanuit maatschappelijke investeringsfondsen in plaats van traditionele donatie,- en subsidiepartners).
Topics: Social impact measurement, Impact Stragies
Sinzer joins EVPA's Research Project on Impact Strategies
EVPA launched today a new research project on Impact Strategies.
An impact strategy represents the way in which a venture philanthropy/social investment organisation (VP/SI organisation) codifies its own VP/SI activities, both in terms of its position towards impact and vis-à-vis its financial return objectives. The aim of the research is to develop a detailed and nuanced spectrum of strategies.
Topics: Social impact measurement, Impact Stragies
Shared fundamentals of impact management: the impact management project
Many of us are looking to manage our impact. Whether we experience the effects ourselves, run an enterprise, invest our money, study social sciences, make policy decisions or evaluate performance, we are increasingly recognising that the change we want to see in the world can only happen if we manage impact together. But do we understand each other?
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, impact management
Impact Management Programme: second round venture training now open
Are you a charity or social enterprise in the UK seeking to raise investments or contracts? You can apply for a grant through Access' Impact Management Programme, that can be spend on improving your organisation's impact management capacity and system(s). In order to be eligible to apply, ventures need to attend a one-day training course. The sign up window for these ventures trainings is open until 6 September. More info? Read on.
Topics: Social impact, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact software management solution, impact management, Social impact management software, impact management programme, social impact management system, Impact management system
The demo gives you a 23-min walkthrough of how to work with surveys to gather data for your SROI analysis. We support a range of different research methods such as
- collect prospective data with your target audience to underpin your SROI forecast
- collect retrospective data to do a project evaluation
- collect and automatically calculate the difference between two measurements for each individual: one before and one after your project
- surveying only a sample of your participants or surveying all of them
The SROI framework is built specifically to support your Social Return On Investment analysis and is currently the only tool accredited by ‘Social Value International’. It facilitates an established method that applies ‘social accounting principles’ such as attribution, drop-off and displacement effects. An SROI analysis helps you to forecast your social impact as well as to monitor and evaluate it by involving your stakeholders via the survey tool.
Interested in learning more on SROI? You can download our Beginners Guide and/or Step 2 Step Guide or follow the SROI Practitioner training which we organise together with Social Value International on 12/13 September 2017 in Amsterdam. More info you can find here.
If you wish to get a live demo of our product (via Skype) in which we can also demonstrate other impact management frameworks, you can register here.
Topics: Social impact, Social Return on Investment, social business case, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact framework, social impact software management solution, sroi, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software, Social Impact Management Framework, Social value international
Tech for good: how much impact is Tunga's impact sourcing creating?
Last week Amsterdam's Westerpark hosted the annual 'Next Web conference', of which this year's edition featured a special program for 'impact start-ups'. The aim of this program was to shine a spotlight on entrepreneurs and startups that are taking on the world’s most difficult challenges.
Topics: Social impact, Impact investing, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, Social Impact Strategy, social impact consultant, Social impact measurement software, social impact consultancy
'Good Finance': a guide to the complex world of social investment
For many social enterprises and charities, navigating the complex world of finding and securing social investment can be quite challenging. The recently launched Good FInance aims to bridge that gap, by improving access to information on social investment for charities and social enterprises. Their objectives are:
Topics: Social impact, Impact investing, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact software management solution, Social Impact Strategy, social impact consultant, partnership, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software, social investment
Sinzer levert bijdrage aan de Social Enterprise Days, ben jij er ook bij?
- Investor Lounge (verzorgd door World Startup Factory, Social Enterprise NL en Social Impact Factory)
- Video lounge Purpose People (met inspirerende portretten van sociaal ondernemers door Kees Klomp)
- "How to start" Lounge (met lessen van sociaal ondernemers van Kromkommer,, I-did slow fashion, De Koekfabriek en anderen)
- Finance lounge (met experts van PoweredbyMeaning, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij (KNHM) en anderen)
- "How to grow" Lounge (met bijdragen van Slagkracht, Hogeschool Utrecht en Rembrandt Fusies en Overnames)
- Legal Lounge (waarbij experts van Bruggink & Van der Velden juridische vragen van sociaal ondernemers beantwoorden)
- Peer-to-peer talks (door te leren van elkaar)
- Permanent Future Lab (waar je zelf kunt ervaren wat de impact van nieuwe technologie is op de maatschappij)
- The Voice Lounge (met inspirerende verhalen van o.a. Gemeente Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, Seats2meet en "The voice van sociaal inkopen")
- Kirkman Lounge (over hoe je als grote organisatie kunt transformeren naar nog meer relevantie voor alle stakeholders)
- Leadership Lounge (over o.a. Natural Leadership, Generation Next, Purpose Driven Ecosystems met bijdragen van YSE, Slagkracht en PoweredbyMeaning)
- Gemeente Lounge (met thema's als Op weg naar een Health Impact Bond, Bouwen aan een ecosysteem, Sociaal inkopen en aanbestedingsbeleid, Impactmeten, Social Impact Bonds (met bijdragen van o.a. Gemeente Den Haag, Buzinezzclub en Sinzer)
- Impact Talk Lounge (met bijdragen van o.a. De Utrechter, Happy Tosti, Yumeko, De Wereldbol, Life Goals en ConsultingKids)
- SIF Lounge (over Twente move2social, Einstein-project en diverse challenges)
- Universiteit Utrecht Lounge (met een proeverij van wetenschappers over sociaal ondernemerschap)
- Video lounge Purpose People (met inspirerende portretten van sociaal ondernemers door Kees Klomp)
- Permanent Future Lab (waar je zelf kunt ervaren wat de impact van nieuwe technologie is op de maatschappij)
- Afgesloten door de feestelijke uitreiking van de Social Enterprise Awards.
Wij hopen je te zien vrijdag in de gemeente lounge waar we meer vertellen over het belang, hoe en waarom van impactmeten. Koop je tickets hier!
Ben jij een social enterprise en geinteresseerd in dit onderwerp? Download onze brochure met een aantrekkelijk aanbd voor sociaal ondernemers, dat wij aanbieden in samenwerking met Social Impact Factory.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Social enterprise, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, impact management
Learn more about the Sinzer software and how to use Social Return on Invesment (SROI) framework by watching this up to date free demo.
Topics: Social impact, Social Return on Investment, social business case, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, social impact framework, social impact software management solution, sroi, Social impact management software, Social impact measurement software, Social Impact Management Framework, Social value international