Sinzer Blog

New set of indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) available in Sinzer

Posted by Marlon van Dijk on 28 April 2016


Sinzer recently announced a formal Data Partnership with the Global Value Exchange (GVE), a crowd sourced database of Values, Outcomes, Indicators and Stakeholders. We are presenting a series of blogs with more detailed information about the data sources GVE uses to extract outcomes, indicators and valuations. This week we highlight indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), from which 113 indicators have been extracted and added to the GVE database. As a result from our data partnership with the GVE, these indicators can now also be accessed on the Sinzer platform and added to your impact assessments.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent organization that promotes the use of sustainability reporting as a means for organizations to become more sustainable. In order to achieve their goal of making sustainability reporting standard practice across organizations, the GRI has developed a Sustainability Reporting Framework. For more information about the GRI approach to sustainability reporting, click here.  

Within their Sustainability Reporting Framework, the GRI uses indicators that cover the following six key areas: 

  1. Economic
  2. Environment
  3. Human Rights
  4. Labor practices
  5. Society
  6. Product Responsibility

For key area Environment, indicators for example include the following:


Source: GVE

The set of indicators is now available in the GVE database, and can be accessed via the GRI indicators section of the website. Interested to see how you can use these indicators in our impact management solution Sinzer? Request a free demo. 

> Free demo



Topics: Accountability, Social accounting, indicators, metrics, social impact software management solution, GRI, sustainability

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