After the successful launch of Sinzer two years ago, we felt it was time to celebrate our successes as well as share some of our clients’ best practices. We therefore organised our event “Let’s Go Social” which took place the 15th of September. Around 120 people from a wide range of organisations attended the event to celebrate Sinzer’s 2nd anniversary with us.
Topics: Social impact, Social change, Social accounting, Social Value
Hoe zet je als social enterprise impactmeting strategisch in?
De Social Enterprise monitor 2016 laat zien dat het goed gaat met de Social Enterprise sector: de sector groeit, is minder afhankelijk van subsidies en heeft minder moeite dan voorgaande jaren om financiering aan te trekken. Daarnaast geeft 60% van de ondervraagden in de monitor aan dat zij op enige wijze maatschappelijke impact meten, bijna 10% meer dan in 2015. Goed nieuws, want om je onderneming te laten groeien is een goed begrip van je maatschappelijke waardecreatie cruciaal. De uitdaging voor veel van deze sociaal ondernemingen blijft echter: hoe kun je met beperkte middelen maatschappelijke impactmeting zo inzetten dat dit je zowel stuurinformatie oplevert, als informatie om verantwoording af te leggen aan investeerders, potentiele investeerders aan te trekken en klanten aan je te binden. Waar leg je de focus?
Topics: Social impact, Social enterprise, Social change, Social Value, maatschappelijke impact, Social Impact Strategy, impactmeting, maatschappelijk rendement
New outcomes, indicators and valuations from the Global Value Exchange now available at the Sinzer platform
The Global Value Exchange (GVE) is an open source database of outcomes, indicators and valuations that has been established by Social Value International as the premier database for social value and social impact analysis. Sinzer has a formal data partnership with the GVE since December 2014. This month we are updating our database with new outcomes, indicators and valuation that have been uploaded from different sources into the Global Value Exchange. This data is now made available at the Sinzer platform where you can use it to manage and maximize social impact.
Topics: Social Return on Investment, Social Value, outcomes, Global Value Exchange, data, indicators, metrics, valuations, benchmarks
That was the central question of last weeks Round Table we co-organized with Deloitte. Together with 25 professionals from different sectors – impact investors, philanthropists, social enterprises and NGO’s- we shared experiences on the topic of impact measurement and how to account for it.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Accountability, Social Return on Investment, Impact investing, Social accounting, Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social Value
How can corporates integrate social impact in their core business?
The connection between business and society is a popular topic. The social and environmental issues we face on a global level are becoming so significant that there are plenty of business opportunities in contributing to solving them. This is not only interesting from a risk and reputation management perspective. Sustainability can be a platform for profitable growth while solving wicked social issues.
Topics: Value, Social impact, Social accounting, philanthropy, IR, Integrated Reporting, impact measurement software, Social Value
Bridging the reality gap: how to get from theory to practical impact measurement
Last week’s “critical mass” event in London – organised by Social Value International and Good Deals collaboratively– brought together a unique blend of social entrepreneurs, impact investors, public servants, government officials and everyone “in between” to discuss how social value can be created, leveraged and be accounted for. Or rather: how critical mass – enough supporters and practitioners to sustain a movement - can be achieved for social value and social value creation. Part of the answer to this lies in bridging the reality gap in social impact measurement.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Social Value