Sinzer recently announced a formal Data Partnership with the Global Value Exchange (GVE), a crowd sourced database of Values, Outcomes, Indicators and Stakeholders. We are presenting a series of blogs with more detailed information about the data sources GVE uses to extract outcomes, indicators and valuations. This week we highlight indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), from which 113 indicators have been extracted and added to the GVE database. As a result from our data partnership with the GVE, these indicators can now also be accessed on the Sinzer platform and added to your impact assessments.
New set of indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) available in Sinzer
Topics: Accountability, Social accounting, indicators, metrics, social impact software management solution, GRI, sustainability
The date that all NGOs funded by the Dutch government need to start ‘opening’ their data is approaching fast: from 1 January 2016 onwards these NGOs are expected to start publishing data to the registry of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). On the verge of IATI’s use becoming a lot more widespread – at least in the Netherlands – it is time to stop and reflect: what has open data and IATI achieved thus far? How can some of IATI's challenges be addressed? And most importantly: what can NGOs do to turn IATI into a valuable instrument?
Topics: Impact measurement, Accountability, Open development, Transparency, IATI
That was the central question of last weeks Round Table we co-organized with Deloitte. Together with 25 professionals from different sectors – impact investors, philanthropists, social enterprises and NGO’s- we shared experiences on the topic of impact measurement and how to account for it.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Accountability, Social Return on Investment, Impact investing, Social accounting, Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social Value
The crucial difference between combined and integrated reporting
A business creates value through a combination of strategy, governance, performance and prospects in an external environment. A framework that enables a businesses to bring these elements together – and to communicate the value creation story through the ‘connectivity of information’ - is called Integrated Thinking & Reporting, in short <IR>. At the heart of <IR> is an integrated model, which demonstrates how six capitals – financial, manufactured, human, social and relationship, intellectual and natural – represent all the resources organizations utilize to create value (over time).
Topics: Value, Accountability, IR, Integrated Reporting, Value Creation Story
5 steps to stay flexible when you use standard impact metrics
What sets you apart? How do you compare to others in your line of work? Why should we invest in you? Impact investors often ask these questions, but don't always have sufficient data with regard to impact to inform their decisions.
Topics: Impact measurement, Accountability, Impact investing, software
How social accounting can drive your performance and accountability
We believe that the social value an organisation creates is just as important as the financial value, and should therefore be treated accordingly. Why? We all agree that it’s normal that every business publishes their annual reports and is transparent about their financial performance. To do this properly requires processes, such as audits, accounting and reporting. If businesses perform financial accounting, why shouldn’t organisations aimed at creating social value perform social accounting?
Topics: Accountability, Social Return on Investment, Social accounting
More and more people are beginning to understand that impact investing will become a big part of the future of finance. Currently, over 1200 asset owners and investment managers responsible for 60 trillion dollar have become signatories of the UN Principles for Responsible Investments. That’s over 30% of total funds under management!
But have you ever wondered how an investor becomes an impact investor?
Watch this video for a short introduction about social impact investing:
Topics: Impact measurement, Accountability, Impact investing, software
Get off your island: how IATI+ lets NGOs join global do-good strategies
How would you describe an ideal development sector? In my view, this would entail development programmes being designed or adjusted based on continuously updated results of past and current programmes. Not just from your own organisation or region, but from all development and aid programmes carried out by all NGOs that operate worldwide. Wishful thinking, or realistic prospect?
Topics: Impact measurement, Accountability, Open development, Transparency, IATI
Inequality is the most pressing issue of our times. From Joseph Stiglitz and Oxfam’s recent research to the IMF and the CEO of Goldman Sachs, many are citing it as a critical issue leading to poverty and unstable societies. However, it is not just the broad brush issues that are affected by inequality.
Topics: Accountability, Impact investing