Het nieuwe validatiestelsel voor de goede doelensector in Nederland, dat uitgewerkt is door de branchevereniging Goede Doelen Nederland en toezichthouder CBF, is een positief pleidooi voor het meten van maatschappelijke impact. Het onderschrijft namelijk dat het interessanter is om te weten wat er bereikt is met het geld dat gedoneerd wordt, dan hoeveel procent van de giften er precies wordt besteed aan het doel. Immers, je kunt 100% van de verworven middelen aan het doel besteden en totaal geen impact hebben doordat de interventie niet heeft gewerkt. Zowel donateur als eindbeneficiant zullen daar niet blij mee zijn, als ook de goede doelenorganisatie niet.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, maatschappelijke impact, impact framework, social impact software management solution, impactmeting, validatiestelsel, filantropie
New set of indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) available in Sinzer
Sinzer recently announced a formal Data Partnership with the Global Value Exchange (GVE), a crowd sourced database of Values, Outcomes, Indicators and Stakeholders. We are presenting a series of blogs with more detailed information about the data sources GVE uses to extract outcomes, indicators and valuations. This week we highlight indicators from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), from which 113 indicators have been extracted and added to the GVE database. As a result from our data partnership with the GVE, these indicators can now also be accessed on the Sinzer platform and added to your impact assessments.
Topics: Accountability, Social accounting, indicators, metrics, social impact software management solution, GRI, sustainability
Sinzer software was initially focussed on the ‘standardized’ Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology for social impact measurement. We developed and keep on improving our software solution for SROI that is now an international standard, reviewed by Social Value International.
Many of our customers and prospects are less focussed on the SROI method for impact measurement. They have been developing their own impact measurement framwork to match their specific needs. Early 2015 Sinzer introduced a first version of the Strategic Impact Framework (SIF). This framework is now maturing as features are added for the different customers using it. SIF now allows for many types of applications for impact management.
Topics: Impact measurement, software, Social impact management, Social impact measurement, sinzer, strategy, framework, impact framework, social impact framework, social impact software management solution, Social Impact Strategy, impact management, software solution