Sinzer Blog

Hoe toon je als zorgorganisatie je maatschappelijke meerwaarde aan?

Posted by Emma Verheijke on 10 June 2015


De transitie in de zorg: gemeenten en zorgorganisaties zijn nog aan het bijkomen van de hectiek in aanloop naar 2015, maar de volgende inkoopronde is inmiddels alweer gestart. Hoewel de in april dreigende bezuiniging van 270 miljoen euro op de budgeten voor Jeugd en WMO van de baan lijkt te zijn, blijven kosteneffectiviteit en maatschappelijke meerwaarde kernthema’s in de inkoop voor aankomend jaar. Hoe maak je als zorgorganisatie die maatschappelijke meerwaarde zichtbaar?

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Topics: Social Return on Investment, social business case

Does your positive impact outweigh your negative?

Posted by Marlon van Dijk on 21 May 2015

Many organisations today are aiming to create change in the lives of people.
Corporations wish to do good with their CSR strategies, institutional investors are applying new investments techniques to create an impact to society and high net worth individuals are giving away increasing amounts of their money to change the world. But how can you be sure you are really making a difference? The urge to find an answer to this question has never been greater.

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Topics: Impact measurement

Understanding social value

Posted by Marlon van Dijk on 12 May 2015

 The full concept of value is not captured when we talk about financial capital alone. Value is a much broader concept including human, intellectual and natural capital.

Up until now, organizations have mostly been accountable for the financial capital they create or destroy. With the growing notion of a wider definition of value however, the “old” way of looking at value no longer suffices. Many organizations are currently working on a new vision of value: social value. At Sinzer we create solutions to measure, report and communicate about social value. And since our pay off is “Value what matters” we would like to share our vision of value with you.

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Topics: Value

Better isn't good enough: why we must optimise social value

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 30 April 2015


Why does the way in which we think of, manage and create social value lack the same drive and unapologetic hunger that exists in the creation of financial value? Jeremy Nicholls, CEO of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Network, argues that it's down to accountability.

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Accounting and Inequality

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 30 April 2015


Inequality is the most pressing issue of our times. From Joseph Stiglitz and Oxfam’s recent research to the IMF and the CEO of Goldman Sachs, many are citing it as a critical issue leading to poverty and unstable societies. However, it is not just the broad brush issues that are affected by inequality.

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Topics: Accountability, Impact investing

SE100 Investor Index calls sector to account

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 27 March 2015


The new SE100 Investor Index rates social investors on their transparency and impact measurement. Co-founder of the index and CEO of The SROI Network, Jeremy Nicholls, says ratings are important to encourage competition and better performance.

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Topics: Impact investing

Using SROI for a Social Impact Bond

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 27 August 2014


Social Return on Investment (SROI) and Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are two ideas that are increasingly mentioned in the same breath.Emma Tomkinson talks about the differences and the similarities between the two.

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Topics: Impact measurement, Social Return on Investment

Who is all this social impact measurement for?

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 11 August 2014


Over the last year or so there has been big increase in interest in measuring social impact. Must be a good thing? But with the last few reports released Jeremy Nicholls has begun to wonder who all this measurement is for.

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Topics: Impact measurement, Benefits, Stakeholders

Impact, impact, impact

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 11 August 2014


The impact concept has moved from the discussion of benefits, returns and value creation, to 'How much impact?' and 'What is your impact?'. We now have 'impact investors and 'imspiring impact' and lovely new words like 'impactful'. Jeremy Nicholls from The SROI Network feels uneasy.

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Topics: Impact measurement, Making a difference, Social change

Why should we accept claims about social returns?

Posted by Jeremy Nicholls on 11 August 2014


What if the legal and financial protections available to investors were also given to recipients of social returns? Jeremy Nicholls makes the case in his latest blog, and ask if the community share schemes are the answer.

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Topics: Value, Impact investing

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