Sinzer recently announced the formal Data Partnership with the Global Value Exchange (GVE). We are presenting a series of blogs with more detailed information about the data sources GVE uses to extract outcomes, indicators and valuations from. This week we highlight the IRIS metrics from the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), which – through our new data partnership – can now be accessed through the Sinzer platform as well.
IRIS metrics from the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) are now available on the Sinzer platform
Topics: Impact investing, indicators, metrics, IRIS
Indicators from the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group are now available at the Sinzer platform.
Recently Sinzer announced the formal Data Partnership with the Global Value Exchange (GVE). We are presenting a series of blogs with more detailed information about which data sources GVE uses to extract outcomes, indicators and valuations from. This week we highlight indicators from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Sustainability Framework, which – through our new data partnership – can now be accessed from the Sinzer platform as well.
Topics: outcomes, indicators, metrics, IFC
HIBs: how can a financing vehicle deliver cost-effective health care?
On Monday 15 February 2016 the first national Health Impact Bonds conference took place, organized by Society Impact, PGGM, Rabobank, the Dutch Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sports, City of Amsterdam, ABN AMRO, EY, Zilveren Kruis (health care insurance) and CbusineZ. The conference highlighted the enormous potential of HIBs for creating impact in the health care sector.
Topics: Social impact, Impact ambition, Social impact measurement, Theory of Change, Social Impact Strategy
'What is your social impact?' A question most organisations operating in the field of sustainability or social change have encountered on more than one occasion. At the start of 2016 it is no longer just about limiting your organisations negative impacts, it has instead become precedent to put substantial efforts towards creating positive impact. In order to understand if your organisation is indeed creating positive impact, you need to measure it. But when it comes to social impact measurement, where do you start?
Topics: Social impact, Impact ambition, Social impact measurement, Theory of Change, Social Impact Strategy
Ondernemende oplossingen voor maatschappelijke problemen kunnen een enorme impuls krijgen wanneer (lokale) overheden bij deze ondernemingen diensten of producten inkopen. Dit vraagt om inkoop op een slimme manier vorm te geven en daarbij niet alleen kijken naar de laagste aanschafprijs. Helaas is in de praktijk dat laatste vaak nog doorslaggevend, zelfs wanneer het criterium Economische Meest Voordelige Inschrijving (EMVI) wordt toegepast (waarbij kwaliteit en prijs met elkaar in verband worden gebracht). Om naast aanschafprijs ook maatschappelijke impact mee te laten wegen bij het maken van inkoopbeslissingen, is een nieuwe uitdaging waar o.a. Nederlandse gemeenten nu voor staan. Steun bij het invullen van deze uitdaging kan echter worden gevonden in de nieuwe Europese aanbestedingsrichtlijn die vanaf april 2016 ook in Nederland van kracht wordt. Deze richtlijn biedt meer ruimte voor het behalen van sociale en duurzame doelstellingen.
Topics: Social impact, MKBA, Maatschappelijke business case, publieke aanbesteding, gemeentelijke aanbesteding, inkoop, aanbestedingen, social return, maatschappelijke impact
New outcomes, indicators and valuations from the Global Value Exchange now available at the Sinzer platform
The Global Value Exchange (GVE) is an open source database of outcomes, indicators and valuations that has been established by Social Value International as the premier database for social value and social impact analysis. Sinzer has a formal data partnership with the GVE since December 2014. This month we are updating our database with new outcomes, indicators and valuation that have been uploaded from different sources into the Global Value Exchange. This data is now made available at the Sinzer platform where you can use it to manage and maximize social impact.
Topics: Social Return on Investment, Social Value, outcomes, Global Value Exchange, data, indicators, metrics, valuations, benchmarks
The date that all NGOs funded by the Dutch government need to start ‘opening’ their data is approaching fast: from 1 January 2016 onwards these NGOs are expected to start publishing data to the registry of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). On the verge of IATI’s use becoming a lot more widespread – at least in the Netherlands – it is time to stop and reflect: what has open data and IATI achieved thus far? How can some of IATI's challenges be addressed? And most importantly: what can NGOs do to turn IATI into a valuable instrument?
Topics: Impact measurement, Accountability, Open development, Transparency, IATI
How social impact measurement can help scale your social enterprise
“Impact Matters” was the message we helped deliver during Impact Hub and Ashoka’s event last week in Vienna, aimed at informing social entrepreneurs about social impact and social impact measurement, and why no social entrepreneur should go without.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social enterprise, impact measurement software, Scaling
That was the central question of last weeks Round Table we co-organized with Deloitte. Together with 25 professionals from different sectors – impact investors, philanthropists, social enterprises and NGO’s- we shared experiences on the topic of impact measurement and how to account for it.
Topics: Impact measurement, Social impact, Accountability, Social Return on Investment, Impact investing, Social accounting, Social impact management, impact measurement software, Social Value
Wat levert transformatie van het zorglandschap Gemeente Nijmegen op?
Een transformatie van het zorglandschap met betere én goedkopere zorg? Gemeente Nijmegen beoogt dit te bereiken door het zorglandschap – samen met welzijns,- en zorgaanbieders, zorgverzekeraars, huisartsen en de burgers – te gaan transformeren. Hoewel deze transformatie kan plaatsvinden binnen een organisatie is gemeente Nijmegen ervan overtuigd dat de grootste slagen zijn te maken door samenwerking in de zorgketen en het daarbij betrekken van het sociale netwerk van de cliënten. Om de transformatie te bewerkstelligen moet zorgvuldig worden afgewogen waar bezuinigingen moeten worden vergezeld van investeringen om een zogenaamde “zorgzame regio” te blijven. De transformatie is een combinatie van afbouwen én opbouwen. Op welke onderdelen zet je dan meer en juist minder in?
Topics: Stakeholders, Social Return on Investment, Outcome-sturing, Transitie, Maatschappelijke business case